
Sell Photos to Make Money

Are you a photographer or a hobbyist who keeps clicking away till you get your best shot? If yes, then here’s how you can monetize this art of yours! Indeed, you can make money by selling photographs online.

If you happen to be an awesome pic clicker but are restricted to keep this as a hobby as it doesn’t pay for your bills and expenses, then here’s some great news, where you can make money online. Your photographs can be sold to online companies that sell images and pictures to the general public, as their line of business.

Now, while of course, these companies may have their shutterbugs, but an awesome and unique click has its place and can fetch you an equally awesome price! If you happen to one such photographer and are wondering how is that possible, then read on. Check out how you can make money by selling photographs online. This one is just for you!

Check out trending or in-demand photographs

If you want to turn your hobby into a money-making art for yourself, then you need to study your marketplace well. Before you even venture to make money by selling photographs online, you need to research well about this industry. Visit some of the best online image sellers and check out the several themes they offer, check out what the pricing is like. Proper research will help you discover categories of images and photographs that are well priced and have regular demand by customers. Such a study will help you narrow down your focus on certain categories and you can aim at shooting photographs related to such categories so that you can make money online.

Deliberate the types of photographs you will click

Once you have done a thorough study, you might next want to think about the type of photographs you want to be clicking depending on the categories you have shortlisted. Try to be creative and unique in whatever you decide. Your photographs should not come across as commonly available if you want to make money online. There has to be something attractive and unique about your clicks so that your photographs face good demand and you can make money online with them.

Shortlist the best of the best

Once you have frozen your categories and are busy clicking away to get the best shots possible, you will have to spend quality time, shortlisting the best of your clicks, to make money online. Then, accordingly fix the best price for each of your unique photographs. Yes, indeed you get to decide what price you want to trade your photographs for. Only your best clicks will help you make money by selling photographs online.

Choosing who you want to sell your photographs to

Now, here’s where there are over a dozen industry players in the business of selling quality photos and images online. To make money by selling photographs online, all you need to do is connect with these image supplying giants and then sell your photographs at the desired price. Some of the best in the industry are –

Alamy – is a leading macro stock photographs site, which offers the best rates for photographs in the market. Alamy offers options for both exclusive and non-exclusive rights, paying higher for the exclusive photos you sell them and a little lower for the non-exclusive ones.

Getty Images – known for its superior quality photographs, it’s an ideal choice for photographers to sell their unique clicks and make money online. Also, all Getty Images are exclusive. So, you get a higher rate as compared to non-exclusive buys.

Shutterstock – has the largest customer base in this industry, thereby giving you higher probabilities for the purchase of your photographs. Moreover, they offer non-exclusive procurement of your photos, so you can list with other sites too.

iStock Photo – another large player, almost shoulder-to-shoulder with Shutterstock. They likewise offer non-exclusive options, and hence are flexible, allowing photographers to make money online.

500px – is a newer but modern site, which not only sells photos/images but also brings together the community of photographers. For a newbie, they offer both exclusive and non-exclusive options of payment and are considered as better paymasters compared to others.

With so many options to review, you can positively make money by selling photographs online. So go along and getting busy clicking photos for those specific categories that you have picked. Experiment with different angles, lighting, and technical factors to get your best photographs, because now you can get paid well for your hobby/skill!

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